Why Choose Premier Homes & Granny Flats?
16 Mar, 2020
Gaining insight into why Premier Homes and Granny Flats is a leading builder of custom homes and granny flats throughout Melbourne and Victoria wide.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats are one of Melbourne’s leading custom builders, with over 100 years combined industry experience backing the Premier name.
Specialising in high quality, affordable homes and granny flats, Premier Homes have been keeping Victorian families together for over 25 years. Our attention to detail and our dedication to using the very best materials and methods means that the Premier name is synonymous with quality and trust.
Our family-driven values and our ability to build on sites with difficult elevations or restricted access is what sets Premier Homes apart.
For many people, choosing the right builder can feel like a daunting task. This article aims to provide guidance and advice on how to choose the right builder for you, as well as examining the various advantages of building with Premier Homes and Granny Flats.
Is your Builder a Registered Builder? It goes without saying that this is a detail that must not be over-looked. Using a Registered Builder is a key step to ensure that the builder you choose is competent and qualified to undertake your project in accordance to the building standards/regulations of your State or Territory. It is critical that your chosen builder is licensed, registered and insured, in order to protect you and your home before, during and after the build process. You can verify your chosen Builders’ credentials by visiting the Housing Industry of Australia (HIA) website, the Master Builders of Australia (MBA) website, or the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) website. All Registered Builders must display their licensing number on any advertising for their services and it is a legal requirement to use a Registered Builder for all Domestic Building work in Victoria with a cost of over $5000.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats are Registered Building Practitioners, with our Master Builder having over 30 years’ professional experience in the building industry. We are members of the Building Designers Association of Victoria (BDAV), as well as Housing Industry of Australia (HIA), Master Builders of Victoria (MBV) and HIA’s Greensmart Professionals. Our knowledge, experience and expertise in the building industry is extensive and our core customer values and use of tried and tested, quality materials means that Premier Homes and Granny Flats are builders you can trust.
Will your Builder give you a 6 year guarantee? All registered builders are required to provide a 6 year Structural and Workmanship Warranty, which covers the home owners for any structural items and faults of original workmanship.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats are so confident in the quality of our materials and superior craftsmanship, that we provide our clients with a 10 year Warranty on all completed building projects.
Are they Volume or Custom Builders? Volume Builders are large companies that can build hundreds of homes every year and will usually offer their clients a fixed, limited range of designs to choose from. Custom Builders tend to be smaller and comparatively, will only complete a handful of projects within the same timeframe. While both Volume and Custom Builders have their advantages and disadvantages, it pays to do plenty of homework when choosing the right builder for you. It helps to learn the meaning of various terms and be able to differentiate between one approach and another.
There is often confusion surrounding the meaning of “custom” building, as compared to “customised” building options. One does not equate to the other and this confusion can often lead to disappointment, hidden costs and lots of headaches.
It is important to understand that when a building company offers the option to customise your home design, they are offering the ability to change elements of an existing plan or design, usually in set and limited ways. This can also incur further, unanticipated expenses to the cost of your build. This service is commonly offered with Volume Builders and can include customizing things like the façade and cladding.
The term custom building refers to the process of building a home specifically designed for the client. By choosing to build with a Custom Builder, you get a personalised approach to the planning and building of your new home, with a significant role in the design process, ensuring that the end result is a home specifically designed to reflect your personality and lifestyle needs.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats are one of the longest running custom builders in Melbourne. We have an excellent design and drafting team and a strong focus on creating homes and granny flats that are tailor made to suit the individual needs of each client. We do offer over 100 standard designs, all of which are fully customizable, for no additional fees, as well as being able to plan, design and execute a fully custom project.
At Premier Homes, we understand that each person is different and we take the time to get to know you. We approach each project as a partnership between our talented and highly experienced team and you, the client, whose personality and preferences will shape the overall design of your new home.
What inclusions and permits are covered in the overall cost? This particular aspect of choosing the right builder is especially important. Make sure you take the time to fully understand what your money is (or is not) buying, before you sign any contract. If you are unsure about a term or item in your quote, be sure to ask your builder to explain it, or research it yourself. A good, trustworthy builder will be upfront with you about what is covered in the overall cost. A reputable builder should be fully transparent about the service they are providing, and will take the time to discuss with you what inclusions and permits are covered in the overall cost of the project.
The inclusions and permits covered in the overall cost of a build will vary from builder to builder, so it always pays to do your homework, get a comprehensive understanding of what is on offer with each prospective builder and make an informed decision on which builder you believe will be best suited to taking on your building project.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats make a point of ensuring our clients have a clear understanding of our fees and all inclusions and permits provided in the overall cost. We provide all of our prospective clients with an itemized list of our Standard Specifications and included administrative processes and maintain an open and honest dialogue with our clients through every step of our process.
The permits required for any building project will vary from one to another, but one thing that is always required is a Building Permit. The fee for this permit is included in our standard pricing along with other required information gathering.
One of the advantages of building with Premier Homes is that we take the stress and hassle out of obtaining this information, as well as liaising with the relevant councils on your behalf. Our highly qualified administration staff use their experience and skill to analyse every aspect of each project to ensure all necessary requirements are met.
We strive to give our clients a smooth, stress-free experience when they build with Premier Homes.
Do they use high quality materials? You are spending thousands of dollars on your new home, so you want to make sure that the materials being used are tried and tested, high quality products. Having a home that is built to last is much more important than saving some money by using sub-par building products. Not only will using top quality materials and products increase the longevity of your home, but it will also be reflected in the appearance of your home. Using cheap, second rate building materials will leave you with a home that looks cheap and won’t stand up to the wear and tear of everyday living.
Premier Homes uses only the best, high grade materials for all of our building projects. Our attention to detail and commitment to quality is what sets us apart from the competition.
Can your builder provide real-life examples of their work? A sure way to know what you’re getting for your money is to have access to real life examples of the work your builder is capable of. Whether it be a display home or the home of a previous client, being able to see a completed home will help you to make a decision on which builder is the right fit for you.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats boast ten display homes, nine of which are fully furnished. Our display village is open 7 days a week and our highly experienced building consultants are always on hand to assist with any enquiries. Our displays offer a range of design options to suit a wide variety of tastes and needs.
We want all of our clients to get a good understanding of the high quality and attention to detail that is produced in all of our projects.
By giving yourself a checklist to go through that asks the questions as discussed above, the journey to finding the right builder for your next building project should be an uncomplicated experience. Be confident in explaining what you want, don’t be afraid to ask questions and do your research. Building a house is a huge undertaking and an incredibly important step in life, so you want to be sure that the builder you choose will have the skill, know-how and experience that will guarantee the house they build will become the home of your dreams.
If you would like to discuss any of the above advice, or if you are interested in building your new home with Premier Homes and Granny Flats, you can contact us on 9761 6699, email us at info@premierhomesvic.com.au or visit our display village located at 110 Canterbury Rd, Bayswater North.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats, Melbourne’s most trusted home and granny flat builder; keeping families together for over 25 years.