Modern Granny Flat Designs – A Homes for Any Space!
27 Mar, 2018
There are many advantages to modern granny flat designs – you have space and comfort, with all of the modern conveniences you’ve become accustomed to!
The backyard granny flat is the perfect solution for many Victorian families, but what if your backyard isn’t quite like the norm? You are best to consider one of the new modern granny flat designs, which can be customised to suit any space.
Check out this Scoresby granny flat as an example. These thoughtful owners have a streamlined exterior that blends well with the properties surroundings.
Two large windows and a sliding door entry to the living area allow maximum natural light to flood into the hub of the granny flat, where most of the daytime living takes place.

From the outside, you can see that the home has been customised so that it positioned well in a unique space. They have cleverly taken advantage of the less usable space in the yard. The biggest advantage of doing this is that the larger backyard area, behind the home, is still free to be enjoyed by the whole family!
Once you step inside, however, you realise why modern granny flat designs are so important. There is no wasted space in this granny flat – every square metre is optimised to create functional zones and the maximum floor space possible.

There are many elements that define modern granny flat designs, but the most important ones aren’t necessarily the materials, fixtures and colour schemes! While these modern touches certainly play a big part, the critical elements are actually in the core design.
Modern granny flat designs can be primarily characterised by a masterful use of space and light. They take into consideration all of the environmental elements, the individual needs of the owner, which results in a streamlined and highly functional home that also looks fantastic!
Premier Homes and Granny Flats are the masters at customising designs to suit any space and family. We have a dedicated team of design specialists ready to help families find their perfect granny flat.
Contact us today, or visit us at our Display Village in Bayswater North, and see how you can create a quality home in your own unique backyard space!