granny flat lounge rooms

Granny Flat Lounge Rooms – Make Your Space A Home

granny flat lounge rooms

Granny Flat Loungerooms – Make Your Space a Home

We all love to relax. After a long day at work, shopping for groceries, or sitting in traffic, it is always nice to come home to a place where you feel that you can finally put your feet up and let your hair down. As such, the lounge room has become central to the Australian home. A place to share a drink, watch some television, and engage in stimulating and hilarious conversation.

We are committed to maximising small amounts of space. Our granny flat lounge rooms are designed so that the space feels cosy enough that you can feel warm, but spacious enough so that you can relax. Often we use magnificent, large windows to open up the space, allowing you to take in the gorgeous sights of nature from the comfort of your arm chair. We also have a wide range of colour and design schemes, so we can adjust the space to whatever you feel would be the most comfortable.

From sleek, modern designs, to traditional, warmer tones, we will explore every option to tailor this lounge room into an oasis for you and your friends and family. We understand that a lounge room can take many forms and serve many purposes, and want yours to truly be the room that you have always envisioned.

Premier Homes and Granny Flats care about you. Our granny flats are spaces that we take pride in, and we want to show you how downsizing to a granny flat does not mean that you have to miss out on life’s small pleasures. Whatever your style and design preferences are, we will work with you to create a place worth calling home. To find out what we can do for you, contact us today, or come see our brilliant work at our Display Village in Bayswater North.