Granny Flat Bedroom Space Saving Tips
5 Jun, 2018

Granny Flat Bedroom Space Saving Tips
Are you looking at buying a granny flat, but want to know some great granny flat bedroom space saving tips before you take the plunge?
Or perhaps you have already downsized, and want to make a better use of your room. Well, we’ve got some fantastic granny flat bedroom space saving tips for you this week.
Downsizing doesn’t have to mean living in a cluttered home, or getting rid of your worldly possessions. The key is to integrate thoughtful storage solutions and strategies.
So what are our top granny flat bedroom space saving tips?

Shelving Systems
At Premier Homes and Granny Flats, our bedrooms include either built-in or walk-in robes. These can be custom made to fit even awkwardly shaped items which maximises your storage space.
In addition to customising the existing storage facilities, it also makes sense to look at some of the shelving systems available. You can purchase off-the-shelf systems from hardware or storage stores, or speak to a local tradesperson to install custom shelving.
Whatever you choose, there is no doubt that fitting your wardrobe with a well-planned and good quality shelving system will make all the difference.
It doesn’t only have to accommodate your clothes either. You can make use of this space to store personal items, gifts, or any other items that could use a safe home!
Under-Bed Storage
Don’t rule out that sneaky hiding space under the bed. You can store a multitude of things in this handy spot.
Non-seasonal clothing, stationery and gift wrapping items, blankets, shoes and personal papers can all be stored neatly under your bed. And if you add a valance your visitors will be none the wiser.
There are plenty of storage options available at department stores – specially-designed under-bed storage containers and vacuum seal bags are inexpensive and perfect for keeping everything clean and tidy!
Wall Shelves
One of the simplest granny flat bedroom space saving tips is tried and tested wall shelves.
Wall shelves are cheap as chips, available at any department or hardware store, and are easy to install. You can choose wall shelves to suit your colour palette and style, and cater to a multitude of different items.
If you have a lot of little items to store, dress up your shelves with decorative boxes from stationery or home decorating stores, and let your storage be part of the décor!
Whether you are just starting on your granny flat journey, or you have made a granny flat your home for some time now, some inventive granny flat bedroom space saving tips will never go astray.
Premier Homes and Granny Flats have a team of design consultants readily available to help you build your new home. They are experienced in helping Victorian families downsize in style, and are able to help you integrate any of these great ideas into your space.
Contact us for more information, or visit us at our display village in Bayswater North. To keep up with granny flat news, remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!