DPU’s – More than One Purpose
19 Nov, 2018
Did you know that the official title of a granny flat is a Dependent Person’s Unit? Granny Flat being the affectionate name for a building that provides an affordable and convenient option for those that wish to keep their loved ones close.
A granny flat does not exist exclusively for the aging community, and can be a great option for other loved ones that need additional care.
Disability can affect anyone, of any age. Unfortunately, supported disability accommodation for young people is not readily available for a lot of families. While steps are being taken to improve this service, many young people with disabilities are being admitted into residential aged care facilities.

This is where a Dependent Person’s Unit (DPU) could be used as an alternative option. Depending on a person’s level of mobility and level of care required, a DPU may be the perfect solution to keeping your loved one close, and providing them with accommodation that is suitable to their needs. Being able to stay close to your family and live as independently as possible is not often a choice afforded to people living with disability.
A DPU can provide a level of independence, security and life-enriching freedom that suits the individual needs of the person it is built for. Being fully customisable, you have the ability to create a home that you love, that is designed and outfitted to cater to your specific needs and that ensures you have the support of your family or loved one close by.
While there is progress in providing housing developments specifically designed for those living with disabilities, there is still not enough to fit the demand. Factoring in the myriad of costs and potential travel involved for people seeking this kind of accommodation, it is easy to see why this option is not necessarily feasible for everybody. A DPU removes the need to relocate away from family, friends and the social circles we build our lives into. The costs involved in building a DPU are low enough for it to be a realistic option for a greater percentage of people and the flexibility of the design means it can be adapted to suit any lifestyle.
Premier Homes operates Victoria wide, making the choice of a DPU one that is accessible in even the most remote and rural parts of our state. We understand the importance of assisted living and the independence, freedom and convenience it provides, not just to the elderly, but to all of our community who require that extra helping hand.
If you think that a DPU might be the right move for you, please feel free to contact us at Premier Homes and Granny Flats, where we will be happy to assist you with your enquiries.