Custom Built Granny Flats – A Hidden Gem of Melbourne
2 Aug, 2018

Custom Built Granny Flats – A Hidden Gem of Melbourne
The family home is a growing body, more alive than ever in this modern age. Grandparents are living longer, and university students remain residents of the family home into their early adult years. Indeed, trends indicate that since the 1970s, Australian young people have been reaching their major adult life milestones later. In 2006, almost one-in-four people aged between 20 and 34 years claimed to be living at home with their parents. So, there are more and more people in the household, yet the house itself maintains its size. Where can all your loved ones live? These custom built granny flats in Melbourne provide the perfect housing solution, for all types of families.

Custom built granny flats are taking over greater Melbourne. They can be designed to pair with any family home, colours can be chosen to match and complement the house’s palette. With the installation of hand rails, and other disabled features, these structures become extremely safe places for residents of all ages to inhabit.
Many surveys have given Melbourne the label of most livable city. Why would anyone want to leave a location with such a title? These custom built granny flats in Melbourne give families the chance to stay together and enjoy all of the benefits of living near such a vibrant city.
At Premier Homes and Granny Flats, we always have you in mind. We have current, fresh designs to suit any style you may like; from modern to traditional. Whether it’s a studio, detached extension or an abode for a dependent, contact us today via our website, or find us on Facebook and Instagram. We would also love to see you at our Display Village in Bayswater North, where you can discover the sheer range of possibilities available to you and view prime examples of our work.