Build Your Own Holiday House
8 Jan, 2019
It’s usually about this time of year when most of us go on holiday. We book out a motel room or a cabin in a caravan park, or a holiday house at the beach. Often, these modes of accommodation are great – if a bit impersonal – and we all have a lovely time on holiday.
Other times, we get a bit of a dud. There’s that weird smell of neglect, a less than desirable view or that dark and dingy vibe (you know the one; brick walls, outdated décor, the bed turned down so tight it makes getting in and out seem like an extreme sport, or, horror of all horrors, a plague of cockroaches). Nobody wants to see one of those crawling on their toothbrush or hanging out with the vegemite in the pantry.
Whether your accommodation is top notch quality, or the place where the holiday spirit goes to die, you are spending your hard earned cash on a short term escape.
It leaves us dreaming of a home away from home. The dream of joining those lucky people; the owners of the coveted holiday house.

An investment, to be sure, a holiday house can be a great way to make a bit of extra money, as well as providing year round accommodation when that get-away feeling comes a-knocking.
It must be said that a fair amount of research and planning should go into attaining your own holiday home. Buying one is usually an expensive endeavour, especially if you are looking in all the obvious holiday destinations.
With a bit of careful research, it can be beneficial to buy some vacant land and build. Be sure to research areas that are less frequented, that have close access to good amenities and affordable land for sale. Try to look for areas that have potential to be the next up and coming suburb, with low crime rates, a peaceful environment and good places to eat.
Using a certified builder is a must for any project you undertake. Using Premier Homes as your builder means that you will have a seemingly endless selection of layouts to choose from, each one being fully customizable. We are a company that pride ourselves on our dedication to the client. We work closely with our clients from the planning process, right through to handover day, making sure that each step adheres to our high quality and safety standards, and that the end result is a personalised home custom built to suit the individual needs of each client.

With 40 years of experience backing us, we hold a vast wealth of knowledge. We stay up to date with the latest building trends and technology, and are ever-evolving to ensure that we keep bringing you the very best homes and granny flats available.
So, whether you’re reading this while sipping your morning coffee on the balcony of somebody else’s holiday house, or while listening to the scurrying of roaches while the blood circulation to your lower half is slowly being cut-off by the over-starched bed sheets; just remember, it could be better.
You could be pulling up to the front door of your very own, custom-built holiday house. Designed and furnished just the way you want it, with nary a cockroach in sight and bedding that feels like a soft and comforting embrace; why wouldn’t you at least do the research, make the call and find out how to get this project from wishful thinking to reality.
Give us a call today on 03 97616699, or visit our website – premierhomesvic.com.au – for design ideas and advice on how we can help get your holiday house project underway.